
What Classes Would You Take As An Animal Science Major Veterinary Medicine





Accounting degrees open up a earth of possibilities in the job market. Every business organization, big or small, needs accountants to summarize the visitor's operations and to communicate it to decision makers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts this field will continue to abound at a faster rate than other fields.  Bookkeeping degrees also open up admission to… Read More

Agricultural Business

  Students who desire a career in businesses that are involved in agriculture should pursue a degree in agricultural business organization. This degree provides students with a cadre set of business classes while providing pedagogy in the basic principles of animal and found sciences, preparing students for careers in the various aspects of agribusiness including agricultural… Read More

Agricultural Education

The agricultural education major is for the student who desires to teach agriculture in a school setting. State of the art facilities expect students who choose the agricultural education major at SAU. After completing the general education requirements, students focus on courses in agriculture and pedagogy. Access to the Instructor Teaching Program is required. The Results Students who consummate all… Read More

Agriculture Associates

The acquaintance of science program is designed to fulfill the needs of students desiring to prepare themselves for positions in a field of agriculture that does non necessarily crave a bachelor's degree.

Agriculture: Animal Science




The agricultural science major with an brute scientific discipline option opens up a number of doors for students.  State of the art facilities await students who cull the agriculture science major at SAU.  Primary coursework includes a mixture of biology, subcontract management, and animal science – with selected courses in dairy, horse, beef, swine, and/or poultry production. Students… Read More

Agriculture: Plant Science

Southern Arkansas University'southward multi-faceted Agriculture program reflects the complication of the vast industry providing nutrient and fiber to the world. A degree in beast science with a institute science option provides students with a wide knowledge base to tackle real-world problems and immediately enter the workforce. Greenhouses, forage plots, horticulture, agronomy, and forestry plots provide students… Read More

Agriculture: Poultry Science

Poultry is the leading agronomics industry in Arkansas, and SAU'southward Poultry Science programme volition prepare students for careers in the ever-growing and irresolute industry. SAU'southward Department of Agriculture already has a history of supplying the poultry industry with qualified employees, yet this new emphasis will provide students with more comprehensive and hands-on knowledge of the… Read More

Agronomics: Pre-Veterinarian





Today's veterinarian is a medically trained, scientifically-oriented professional person, capable of rendering many services and accepting broad responsibilities in all areas of animal health and in many areas of public health. Such a challenging career stimulates the interest of students; therefore, the contest for vacancies in veterinary medicine is high. While most of the pre-veterinarian medicine… Read More than

BBA/MBA (iv+one program)

SAU offers an optional 4+i program for business majors that allows students to earn the BBA and MBA degrees simultaneously in 5 years. During the senior yr, students can concurrently complete half-dozen graduate hours. By the end of the fourth year, students should consummate 126 hours (120 undergraduate and half dozen graduate hours). Students volition so… Read More

Biology (Marine Biological science)

The Marine Biology option prepares students for careers in marine science, including those in academia, state or federal management agencies, and private industry. Most students volition take required marine science classes at The University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Enquiry Laboratory (GCRL) located in Body of water Springs, MS. The Department of Biology provides students a core… Read More than

Biological Sciences




The B.S. in Biological Sciences is the most versatile option for students interested in the life sciences. After completion of the core curriculum, this program allows students to choose from a large number of elective biology classes, depending on the detail interests of each educatee. Learning Goals Our graduates effectively communicate scientific knowledge. Our graduates… Read More

Biological Sciences (iii+2 Plan)

The 3+2 programme pick is for students with two years of credits from a professional clinical/program to obtain an accelerated BS in Biological Sciences in three years. Learning Goals Our graduates effectively communicate scientific knowledge. Our graduates accept the knowledge to make informed and ethical scientific decisions. Our graduates remember critically and creatively to analyze and… Read More than


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