
How Plants Function To Extract Energy From The Sun And Their Contribution To Animals

All 5th Form Science Resources

Which of the following best describes how a carnivore gets free energy from the sunday.

Possible Answers:

A plant uses photosynthesis to get its energy from the sun, then a deer gets its energy past eating the institute. So when a wolf eats the deer, information technology receives free energy from the deer.

A shark prefers to hunt in warmer water where seals and sea lions go in wintertime to requite birth to their young.

A grizzly deport sleeps all winter when information technology is more often than not nighttime and cold outside, and and then is active all summer when the weather condition is nicer.

Lions practise much of their hunting at sunrise when nocturnal animals are ending their day and other animals are merely getting their solar day started.

Correct answer:

A plant uses photosynthesis to get its energy from the sunday, and and then a deer gets its free energy by eating the plant. And then when a wolf eats the deer, it receives free energy from the deer.


Photosynthesis is the fashion in which plants convert the sun'due south energy into their own energy. And since animals get their energy from food, when an animal eats a establish it gets its institute-based energy indirectly from the dominicus, because that's how the constitute itself got free energy. Then when a carnivore eats a plant-eating animal, the carnivore gets energy from the plant eater, who got its free energy from the plant, which got it from the dominicus. And then even meat-eaters indirectly get their energy from the sun.

The leopard is a carnivore that eats impalas and other deer-like herbivores on the African savannah. Which of the post-obit would exist a potential consequence to leopards if a drought eliminated most of the plants in the leopard'south habitat?

Possible Answers:

The leopard would exist generally fine, since it eats meat and not plants.

The herbivores that the leopard eats would die off from starvation, and the leopard would exist left without a nutrient source.

Without plants to hide behind, impalas and other herbivores would be easier to catch and leopards would have an overabundance of nutrient.

The leopard'southward teeth are precipitous plenty that information technology could survive by eating rocks and gravel until the drought was over.

Correct respond:

The herbivores that the leopard eats would die off from starvation, and the leopard would be left without a food source.


The food concatenation is highly interdependent in any given habitat, then if the plant-eating impalas and deer that leopards consume were suddenly to lose their plant-based food sources, they would die out and the leopards wouldn't have much left to eat. All nutritional energy comes from the sun: plants use chlorophyll to photosynthesize the sun's free energy into plant energy, and so animals either feed on plants for that energy or they feed on the animals that accept eaten that plant energy. A loss in plants ways that the solar free energy that supplies even the virtually ferocious carnivores volition be less plentiful.

Which of the following animals would lose its nutritional free energy if its habitat were to no longer receive sunlight?

Possible Answers:

Vultures, who banquet on deceased mice and hawks.

Mice, who eat plants that become their energy through photosynthesis.

All of the answers are correct.

None of the answers are correct.

Hawks, who consume constitute-eating mice.

Right reply:

All of the answers are right.


The nutrient chain begins with the sunday: plants get their energy by photosynthesizing sunlight into energy, and and so herbivores swallow those plants to get their energy. Carnivores who then eat the herbivores are getting that sunlight passed along from sun to institute to herbivore to carnivore. So if the sun were to no longer shine in this habitat, plants would not convert sunlight to energy, and then mice would dice, pregnant that the hawks would have nil to eat, and the vultures wouldn't get to feast on the scraps.

Nrcs142p2 049822

Where does the energy passed from organism to organism in this food web originate?

Possible Answers:

the highest trophic level

the sunday




Through the photosynthesis procedure, producers, such as grass, absorb the sun'southward calorie-free energy to produce nutrient (stored carbohydrate and starches). Consumers cannot brand their own food, then they have to consume other organisms. The food of well-nigh any kind of animal can be traced back to plants and the sun. Organisms are related in food webs in which some animals eat plants for food and other animals consume the animals that swallow plants. Some organisms, such every bit fungi and bacteria, break down dead organisms (both plants or plant parts and animals) and therefore operate as "decomposers." Decomposition eventually restores (recycles) some materials back to the soil. Organisms can survive only in environments in which their particular needs are met.

Which of the following shows the movement of free energy through a food chain in the correct order?

Possible Answers:

the sun -> producers -> consumers

the sun -> autotrophs -> heterotrophs

none of these

all of these

the sun -> plants ->animals

Correct respond:

all of these


Through the photosynthesis process, producers, such as grass, absorb the dominicus's low-cal energy to produce food (stored sugar and starches). Consumers cannot make their ain food, so they have to consume other organisms. The food of well-nigh any kind of animal can be traced back to plants and the sun. Organisms are related in food webs in which some animals swallow plants for nutrient and other animals swallow the animals that eat plants. Some organisms, such as fungi and leaner, break down dead organisms (both plants or institute parts and animals) and therefore operate equally "decomposers." Decomposition somewhen restores (recycles) some materials back to the soil. Organisms tin can survive only in environments in which their particular needs are met.

Which argument about the catamenia of energy in an ecosystem is correct?

Possible Answers:

Energy flows from the Sunday to producers.

Energy flows from the Sunday to consumers.

Free energy does non menstruum from the Sun.

Energy flows from the Sunday to decomposers.

Correct answer:

Energy flows from the Sun to producers.


All nutritional energy comes from the Dominicus: plants utilise chlorophyll to photosynthesize the Lord's day's free energy into plant energy, and and so animals either feed on plants for that energy or they feed on the animals that have eaten that institute energy. The nutrient concatenation begins with the Sun so the energy flows to producers.

Which object in the food chain would have an pointer coming from it, but no arrow going to information technology?

Possible Answers:

A grasshopper

A institute

The Sun

A lake


All nutritional free energy comes from the Sun: plants use chlorophyll to photosynthesize the Sun's energy into plant energy. And then animals either feed on plants for that energy, or they feed on the animals that take eaten that plant energy. An pointer would exist facing outwards, displaying energy leaving the Sun and being consumed by a producer, only no arrow facing towards it because the Sun does not consume energy in the food chain.

Plants brand up most of Earth's organic fabric. What would happen to plants if there were no Sun?

Possible Answers:

They would begin to eat consumers to get nutrients.

They would get their energy from the h2o they blot.

They would die considering they would have no source of energy.

They would simply use photosynthesis to keep making their nutrient.

Correct respond:

They would dice because they would have no source of energy.


Producers rely on the Sun to brand the nutrient needed to survive. Through photosynthesis, plants catechumen sunlight and carbon dioxide into oxygen, saccharide, and carbohydrates. Without the Lord's day, plants would be missing an essential "ingredient" to create their nutrients and would not survive.

For plants to live and abound, they demand an energy source. Which all-time describes how plants get the energy they need to live and abound?

Possible Answers:

They get free energy from consuming water.

They become energy from consuming the soil.

They get free energy by breaking down organisms.

They become energy from absorbing solar energy.

Correct answer:

They become energy from absorbing solar energy.


Plants' nutritional energy comes from the Dominicus. Plants utilize chlorophyll to photosynthesize the Dominicus's energy into plant energy. Through the photosynthesis procedure, producers, such equally grass, absorb the Dominicus's light energy to produce food (stored sugar and starches). Photosynthesis is how plants convert the Lord's day's free energy into their free energy.

A meadow is an ecosystem where snakes and rabbits live. In which order does free energy period through this meadow ecosystem?

Possible Answers:

Grass → Snake → Rabbit → Sun

Grass → Rabbit → Serpent → Sun

Lord's day → Grass → Rabbit → Ophidian

Dominicus → Grass → Serpent → Rabbit

Right answer:

Sun → Grass → Rabbit → Snake


The energy in the meadow starts with the Sun. The Sun and then provides energy to the grass through the process of photosynthesis. The rabbit eats the grass, and the rabbit absorbs its energy. Finally, the snake eats the rabbit, and information technology absorbs the rabbit's energy. Energy travels from the Sun and moves through the ecosystem with each consumer along the chain.

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