
Gardening With Native Plants Of The Pacific Northwest

Native Plants & Gardening for Wildlife Index

Our Pacific Northwest region is rich in diversity of native plants. This section of Rainy Side is devoted to bringing our wonderful native plants back into our gardens, to give us a new appreciation for plants we often times view as common. Whether you integrate them in with exotics in your garden or plan a native-only garden, natives will add beauty to your landscapes.

This section also features plant lists or articles about specific wildife.


From My Journal — The Holman Vista Trail
This is a rare day to cherish, as I walk the easy Holman Vista trail in near silence.
February 14, 2020

Intertwining death and life in nature
Stumps, huckleberries, and salal are often a threesome in the forest.
June 18, 2020

Cascadia Natives
A short video featuring native plants from the Pacific Northwest.
October 11, 2013

Of Rain Drums and Native Plants
What do drums, water, and native flora of the Pacific Northwest have in common?
March 20, 2013

Veratrum californicum — Proud Giants of the Lily Family
Veratrums have stalks covered with hundreds of tiny, green or white flowers.
June 21, 2012

Lesser Known Shrubs of the Klamath Mountains
This region in Southern Oregon hosts a high diversity of plants.
May 4, 2012

Going Native on the Olympic Peninsula
Indigenous plants adapt flawlessly in the garden, providing they are placed in a similar environment to where they grow in the wild.

Hummingbird Plants
Nectar Plants For The Pacific Northwest Hummingbird
Moved to blog.

Butterfly Plants
Create a landscape of nectar-rich plants for butterflies. Not only will you enjoy their flittering about but your garden will benefit also. Here is a list of plants that provide food for the butterfly.

Caterpillar Plants
Many Pacific Northwest gardeners welcome the butterfly into their gardens by providing them with nectar plants. Another good way to welcome the butterfly is by providing plants to feed their hungry young. Here is a long list of host plants for the Northwest garden targeted for feeding the local caterpillars. Put away your pesticides, host your local caterpillar and watch the butterflies flock to your garden to feed and lay their eggs.

Native Beauties
The reasons to choose natives in the Pacific Northwest, are as varied as the gardeners who grow them.

Another Look at Red Alder
You might think this is a weed tree, but take a closer look, Red alder may surprise you.

Native Plant Gallery and Growing Guide
A comprehensive growing guide for over 50 Northwest native plants.

A Simple Bench In The Woods

Resources for Gardening With Native Plants
Resources page

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Gardening With Native Plants Of The Pacific Northwest


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